
In-house process development

Process development is one of our main areas of activity. With it, we ensure that our products are defect-free and work reliably, and that really few or even no deviations from the tolerances allowed by the manufacturer occur even in quantities of several million components.

Our developers take care of the conceptual design and planning of production plants and tools, automation, and tool method planning. Other areas include transfer simulation, design guidelines, and individual welding planning steps. The milestones and equipment versions are determined by the team of the responsible planner at the site and are documented in detail.

Process and product development form a unit

Our process development - so the development of the production method including tools, machines, and automation - forms a common strand with our product development. In both areas, we profit from close collaboration with our customers and network partners. Above all, we should mention the collaboration of suppliers at the Automotive Center Südwestfalen (acs) for forming and drawing simulations, modal analysis, and material testing. 

"Talk 5" - the promotion of internal communication

Our internal "Talk 5" project is an important, highly innovative tool for process development and optimisation. Before each shift starts, all employees in a department sit down together for five minutes - from trainees, fitters, programmers, and skilled workers to the team leader. At this meeting, the team leader tells employees about current production objectives, any production problems, individual customer requirements, and other useful information. In addition, uncertainties can be clarified and questions can be asked, and sometimes simple language difficulties and comprehension problems can be cleared up.

Since the introduction of "Talk 5", this communication-based, team-oriented handover practice has proven to be really successful. It has considerably increased precision and product quality with regard to the zero-fault tolerance of our customers and has improved the motivation of all employees. At HMT, we want to continue to break ground in innovative ways like this in the future in order to meet the requirements of the automotive sector as a mid-sized company.

How can we help?

  • +49 (0) 2722 809-100

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